Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Medvedev Cites GOP for START Withdrawal Talk

Nice headline, eh?  Think I'm being hyperbolic?  Think again (h/t Political Animal);
Medvedev implied that the U.S. Congress was one of the primary obstacles in the negotiations, because some GOP senators are opposed to giving Russia any written assurances that could be seen as "limits" on U.S. missile defense and other GOP senators have called for the system to be directed at Russia.

"Rather than showing themselves willing to hear and understand our concerns over the European missile defense system at this stage, [U.S. officials] simply repeat that these plans are not directed against Russia and that there is no point for us to be concerned. That is the position of the executive authorities, but legislators in some countries openly state the whole system is against Russia," Medvedev said.
Congressional Republicans now suck so badly at governing that foreign nations are citing them as reasons to possibly withdraw from the new proposed START treaty.

First the debt, and now this. How much more can the "Tea Party" wave of GOP assholes fuck things up before we can all, as a nation, agree that they need to be kept at arm's reach from any real legislating?

UPDATE: I had to ask.